
Showing posts from March, 2019

Happy Agency Hai Kya?

When I think about it, and introspect 'What differentiates us? At UCID?'. Unconventional work yes, responsiveness to clients needs yes, consistently delivering results yes. But then these are the expected traits of an agency. What else would keep clients staying with us, choosing us over the others- year after year. While addressing a batch of fresh MBA grads yesterday, we stumbled up on the golden circle. While explaining the golden circle of communication, made famous by Simon Sinek, I caught myself saying in my head, "It's not the 'What you do' it's the 'WHY you do it' is what matters". People work with people who believe in what they believe and not because of what they do...and this is truly what differentiates us. We believe we are a HAPPY AGENCY, we love our work, we find happiness in our work, we believe that our work is an expression of happiness and not a mere means to bring in our pay-cheque. We transf